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Showing posts from June, 2020

Day 24 - Wondering and Naps

We did an adventure in the truck today.   We were told about some very remote lakes at the top of one of the mountains and how to get to them.   So off we went.   We stopped at a lake/reservoir not to far from our camp site and drove up to the top of that mountain where we saw several Chipmunks and added more new birds to my list.   Nikki was with us and enjoyed walking around the area sniffing all she could get her little nose on.   We left there in search for the remote lakes.   We followed the directions we had been given and drove and drove and drove, up, up, up the mountain.   We opted to turn around and head back to camp for lunch and a nap.   We did see 4 Golden Eagles, that was very nice, although my photos did not turn out well as they were all too backlit. I have several new birds that I will need to look up once we get into an area with service.   I didn’t think to bring one of my many bird books with me.   ☹ ...

Day 23 - Aspen, Snowmass, Redstone, and Carbondale

Today we “saddled up” the bikes and drove up 133 to a little town called Redstone (Ruby of the Rockies).   We walked the streets some, being tourist, ate at their local pizzeria, and   checked out the old Coke Ovens.   They would burn coal in these ovens until they turned into ore, then the ore was shipped via railroad to be turned into steel.   Next we went through Carbondale.   Carbondale is very active with supporting local artists.   They have turned the old rail road beds into walking/biking paths with art exhibited along the way by their local artists.   What a great way to utilize old space!   Next we drove through Snowmass to Aspen where we were tourists again.   We went into a gallery that exhibits Peter Lik photography and got to talking to one of their associates.   He rides a Vstrom like we do, only he has the 1000 version (ours are 650).   He told us about a really good ride starting at the dogsled training facility...

Day 22 - WOW!

Today we opted to be totally adventurous and fly by the seat of our pants.   We left the RV park in search of a spot in Gunnison National Forrest to camp beside a river.   Lady Luck was on our side!   We drove through Somerset, CO following a river up into the mountains towards the camping facility that Kevin had booked for Sunday through Tuesday night.   We found the place, Paradise Campground, and spoke with one of the owners, Rick.   He and his brother just opened this campground.   The lucky part is they had just cleared a primitive spot right on the river, and it was open!   He took us to the spot, we loved it.   Kevin skillfully backed the camper into it’s new home of 6 nights.     We are right on the river!   It’s literally 10 yards in front of our camper steps.   Nikki is loving it also – the owners are very laid back and only require dogs to be on a leash if you walk them through the main camp so Nikki is f...