This morning Nikki and I got up before sunrise and took a walk to the lake. We saw several young bucks on our way. Once at the lake Nikki started investigating all the new smells. I sat there watching sleeping float by. Just before the sun rose Kevin joined us.
Later that morning we did a ride up to Hancock Flat – this was
of the short rides a “fellow rider” told us about. The ride started out really nice. We were impressed with the well maintained
gravel/dirt road. At one point I thought
I was going to drop my bike but didn’t, and made the mistake of telling Kevin
that I thought that was the worst we could come across – WRONG! The “road” continually got worse and at
10,500 feet altitude the road turned into a logging road, a very rough logging
road. There were several times we had to
“walk” our bikes down the road.
Unfortunately, with the road being rutted out I could not walk my bike flat footed, I had to tiptoe, and at many spots could not touch the ground at all. Kevin, long legs that he
has, came to my rescue. He would walk his bike down and then walk back up and walk my bike down. He had to do this at least 5 times. I felt so bad! The walks back up were steep mountain grades. I bet he did a mile of this uphill "joy walking" ha ha. We finally made it down to the start of the
loop. I wanted to kneel down and kiss
the ground. Instead I kissed my knight in shining armor.
Back at the camper we relaxed. I made it to the hammock and promptly fell
asleep. Our next adventure, later that afternoon, was to blow
up our rafts and hit the water of Fishlake.
Nikki was my passenger, and once again, she took it all in stride. This was a first for her. I think she got a little bored even. She is a trooper and we are so glad she is
making this trip with us! We watched 2 Osprey
fish and attempted to get photos of them, but both of us only had our
point-and-shoot cameras and it was difficult to try to get a shot bouncing up and down in the water. I paddled up
close to a bunch of Pelicans, Nikki was very intrigued with them.
We like this place so much we are going to stay a day longer
than we had planned. The weather here is
great and it’s beautiful. We will leave
here Thursday, headed north east. Not
sure where we will end up, but wherever it is, we will stay there 2-3 day and
then started heading east for home.
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