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Day 22 - WOW!

Today we opted to be totally adventurous and fly by the seat of our pants.  We left the RV park in search of a spot in Gunnison National Forrest to camp beside a river.  Lady Luck was on our side!  We drove through Somerset, CO following a river up into the mountains towards the camping facility that Kevin had booked for Sunday through Tuesday night.  We found the place, Paradise Campground, and spoke with one of the owners, Rick.  He and his brother just opened this campground.  The lucky part is they had just cleared a primitive spot right on the river, and it was open!  He took us to the spot, we loved it.  Kevin skillfully backed the camper into it’s new home of 6 nights.    We are right on the river!  It’s literally 10 yards in front of our camper steps.  Nikki is loving it also – the owners are very laid back and only require dogs to be on a leash if you walk them through the main camp so Nikki is free to run and play as she likes.  We play ball with her mainly, she loves that.  Several times the ball has bounced into the river.  She is gradually learning to like the water, or at least tolerate it.  She also has her safe area where she goes in to fetch her ball.  We can see snow up in the higher mountains from our campsite also.  While Kevin went for a short motorcycle ride, I inflated the inner tubes we’d brought with us, and Nikki and I played ball and photographed birds.  Once Kevin returned we floated down the river, then tied our inner tubes to stay stationery in the water.  This is a little piece of heaven on earth for us, what a way to end our 4 week vacation!  

Cloud Monster - Can you see his face?

Green Frog

Kevin and Nikki playing ball by the river

Mountain views from our camper

Mule Deer

Gray Catbird Taking A Bath

Gray Catbird

Yellow Warbler
