Day started off at 5am on a trip back to Cortez to have a bed cover installed on the truck. Got back at noon and goofed off for a while and took a nap, Got up before sunset for a photo shoot in the Valley of the Gods. Amazing Milkyway, shot until around midnight until someone came down the road with a flashlight and cut through the desert scrub to get to faster. We loaded up and left before they reached us. I never saw them but it scared Stephanie pretty good. I had a 9mm on my hip and a 380 in my pocket and Steph had a death grip on her 38 for miles down the road. Aside from the spooky person it was a blast. I did randomly scan the area with my flashlight looking for eyeballs, there is a photograph on the office wall of this campground of a big mountain lion in the Valley of the Gods.
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