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Day 5 - Family Reunion!

Thank goodness for short jaunts!  We left the mom and pop RV park and made our way to NM.  We HAD to see my brother and his family - being that close.  We landed at a nice KOA just north of ABQ.  Jeremy (my brother), Kristi (my sister-in-law), Diana (my ex sister-in-law), Jonathan (my nephew), Lucy (Jon's daughter which makes her my great niece), Catherine (my niece), and Evan (Cat's husband - my nephew in-law) all came over to our camper for the evening!  We ordered takeout pizza from a nearby pizzeria (and boy was it good), caught up on how everyone was doing, and then played games until about 10 pm.  It was WONDERFUL seeing everyone again!  And Kevin has a new bestie - Lucy fell in love with him (which was a total turn for her since the last time she saw him she ran away screaming and crying)  LOL.  Nikki and Lucy also hit it off and played ball together.  Thank you so much Kristi for taking and sending all the pics!  Love you guys so much and thank you all for coming to see us!!! 
