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Day 6 - Nikki's View

Well crap, once again I was put into the back seat.  Mom tried to make a booster chair for me out of a thick what they call book.  But she didn't take into account that my cute fluffy butt was too much for the book and I kept slipping off.  I give her a B for trying though.

Mom played  ball with me!  I had to jump to watch where it went because the grass was taller than me.

Dad took me for a walk to something they call a "dumpster" to throw away the trash - OH the wonderful smells emitting from it!  Wish dad had let me stay there longer but he was in a hurry to get away from it so back to mom we went.  I like it when I get to go places with them, but I hate the thing they call a "leash".  Dinner time!!!!
