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Day 8 - Happy Birthday Kevin!!

Today is Kevin's birthday!  We went into Durango and found a really neat restaurant that had the old 50's diner look and feel.  Wonderful breakfast!  We did have to wait a little while to get a table due to the COVID-19 regulations, but the wait was well worth it!

I misplaced my camper keys and have torn the camper and truck looking for them.  No luck.  I thought I may have lost them up at the lookout so I took the truck up there to look for them.  No luck in the area I thought they may have fallen out of my pocket.  Was back at the parking lot when some people came up from the lookout area.  I asked them if they had seen keys and yes they had!  At the farthest point lookout they said there was a set of keys on the sign.  So high-tailing it I went.  I got there and there were keys, but not mine.  :(

Back to the camper I went.  Kevin was ready to ride.  I got ready to ride and off we went to explore Silverton.  The Million Dollar Highway is a good ride - but if you are afraid of heights you would not like it.  Not too many guardrails and it's a long way down.  We checked out the shops in Silverton - I fell in love with a beautiful Navajoes jewelry set, but seeing as the necklace alone was $4,200, I had to pass.  Sigh.  LOL.  The owner of that shop told us about some great dirt/gravel road to check out that would take us up to passes over the mountains.  We are going to try some, and if we meet snow, we will just turn around. 

After seeing all we could in Silverton  we headed back to the camper where I grilled pork chops, sauteed some onions and mushrooms, and grilled red potatoes for the birthday boy's birthday dinner.

The dust is getting to both of us.  We thought about staying a Junction Creek but we can't handle the dust much longer.  I feel like I'm coming down with a sinus infection from it all.  I hope not!

After dinner we  took Nikki for a hike down to a beautiful creek below the campground.  She kept running ahead of us.  We thought it'd be funny to hide behind trees to teach her a lesson.  We did that twice, she didn't seem to find it funny.  We did.  It did teach her though.  She kept looking back to make sure we were still there.  She wasn't impressed with the creek - running to fast and too much white caps for her. 

Not too many photos today.  I thought I was taking lots of photos with my motorcycle action cam camera along with videos of the ride up through the mountains, but apparently I need to learn how to use it better as only 5 photos were actually taken and no videos.  Bummer.

The truck parts came in!  Kevin will work on the truck tomorrow while I massive cleaning to the camper.  We are also moving to a different campsite tomorrow.  One that is much bigger, has electric hookup, and is not in line with the way the dust blows every time a vehicle comes by.  YAY!!
