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Day 3: DIAMONDS!!!!- Kevin

Saturday June 6,  SNAP CRACK BOOM!!!!!!! There's a storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico.  I checked the weather and radar before going to bed Friday night, there was storms in the Northeast  tracking East and a storm in the Gulf spinning around Belize. We were in the Southwestern part of the state and we should be free and clear for several days, okay I'll never be a weather forecaster. 1 am the wind is roaring, the clouds are cracking with thunder, rain is pounding the roof and I just heard the ripping noise of tree snapping off. Grabbed a poncho and a flashlight to go investigate. Sure enough a huge pine on the comer of our campsite snapped off about 20 feet up and was lying in front of our truck.  Nothing damaged, YAY! Got back to bed to rest for our first treasure hunt for what will be known as "The Steph Diamond". The rain has turned the Diamond field into a mud field, We mosey about looking for the best place tp start our search. Steph finds a place with a large puddle where she can dig and shift using the water in the puddle. I load up my buckets and head to the pavilion where they have large tanks and table to clean and sort your dirt. After about an hour or so Steph gives up her
spot in the baking sun to join me at the pavilion, Have you ever seen an 8 year girl who has spent the day in a mud puddle making mud pies? Well that's what Stephanie looked like, she was cover in mud. After about 5 hours of searching we had our fun. I found nothing, Steph has a piece of something, that she wants her friend who is a jeweler to look when we get home. So I'm guessing the fortune that we found was that the tree did not fall on our truck. I'll call that a win. Finished our night playing cards and sipping bourbon with some fellow campers from Texas, fun day.
