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Day 4: Going Deep into Bat Country - Kevin

Sunday June 7,  Woke up groggy from a late night of cards and bourbon for an early start to a treacherous day. I knew better, Thompson wrote about the hazards of being in bat country and I was looking down the barrel of 500+ miles of pure bat country, driving a truck and a trailer that wants to kill me. So I guess if you are going to do something stupid you might as well be hungover.  12 hours of wasteland called Oklahoma and Texas. Yeah 12 hours later and we are still in Texas. The skies are getting dark, probably from the bats blocking out the skies. So we are hunkering down and pulling the blinds until they pass. Tomorrow ALBQ to meet up with Steph's brother and kiddos, if we survive the onslaught of bats tonight.
