Day 3 started off with a whoop, whirl, and bang! Approximately 1 am a wicked storm gave it's warning and then came in with vengeance! The wind first woke me up and I remembered the awning was out - oh no!!! All I could think of was what a disaster it would be to the the awning ripped off the body of the camper - so like the father in The Night Before Christmas, I leapt out of bed (well, struggled out was more like it because this mattress sucks you in and it's a struggle to get out of it's grasp), ran to the door, and started rolling the awning in - saved it! Kevin is waking up at this point and tries to get any TV channel to see what was going on. I went back to bed, put the pillow over my head, and with every crack of thunder, and monstrous gusts of wind, kept envisioning them finding us smashed under a tree that had broken off. I wasn't that far off. The morning of the aftermath revealed a cracked pine tree with it's tree top feet from the hood of my truck. No harm became to us though.
That was our luck for the day as we had no luck with our diamond expedition. I was 9 years old again at the diamond mine! The rain had left the diamond fields muddy and with huge ruts and puddles. I staked out my spot, fell to digging and filling my 5 gallon bucket, sat down next to a huge muddy puddle and started seining the mud and rocks through my strainers. I was covered from head to toe in mud and I was happy! Kevin was spotlessly clean compared to me as he had been standing up at the straining station sifting through his buckets of mud. He convinced me to stay there with him, so side-by-side we sifted and hoped. Many times we were thought we'd found something, only to be told that it was not a diamond, but crystal. Oh well, after 5 hours of this fun, we went back to our camp.
We met some people from Ft. Worth, TX and made new friends. After a long day, we finally went to bed and dreamed of sparkly things not found. It was a grand day!
That was our luck for the day as we had no luck with our diamond expedition. I was 9 years old again at the diamond mine! The rain had left the diamond fields muddy and with huge ruts and puddles. I staked out my spot, fell to digging and filling my 5 gallon bucket, sat down next to a huge muddy puddle and started seining the mud and rocks through my strainers. I was covered from head to toe in mud and I was happy! Kevin was spotlessly clean compared to me as he had been standing up at the straining station sifting through his buckets of mud. He convinced me to stay there with him, so side-by-side we sifted and hoped. Many times we were thought we'd found something, only to be told that it was not a diamond, but crystal. Oh well, after 5 hours of this fun, we went back to our camp.
We met some people from Ft. Worth, TX and made new friends. After a long day, we finally went to bed and dreamed of sparkly things not found. It was a grand day!
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