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Year 6: Out to Sea - Nikki

Madness still rules my days.  Today it started with a hike to the lake. I thought they were being nice by taking me to see the lake. I was wrong. Little did I know but I would soon find out it was their madness once again. Later in the day they took me back to the lake,  but this time they brought two large yellow things that they inflated with air.  Mom gets in her boat and begins to paddle away.  Then the next thing I know I'm being grabbed by dad and being tossed in with mom!!!  They took me out to the middle for God only knows why but since there were other people in real boats about they didn't do anything other than float in the sun. They seemed relaxed but I was in fear of my claws puncturing this yellow balloon at anytime.  Pure madness... the horror the horror.....
