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Day 12: Houston We Have A Problem - Kevin

Woke before dawn (big surprise lol) wandered about looking for a sunrise pic but settled on some old rusty cars. Steph and  I went for a ride down a road she had seen the day before, Old Lime Creek Road. As soon as we pulled off the highway the road was rough, not a good sign. After making a wrong turn on a really rough road we found our way to the creek. Large loose and embedded rocks along with mud puddles. As I navigated through some puddles I heard Stephanie in distress through the headset, then came the crash. She was able to drop completely in a huge mud puddle. To her credit the top of her shoulders were not covered in mud, everything else to the bone was soaked in muddy water. Got her up and going again and headed back to camp. At the bottom is a YouTube link of the crash.  After she did her best to save her mud stained clothes we grabbed the dog and took the truck to Ouray about 25 miles north. The Million Dollar Hwy from Silverton to Ouray is one of the most amazing roads in the US. It's not for the faint of heart, and we decided not to bring the camper this way. The last long decent into Ouray is about 10 miles of hairpin curves with mountain wall on one side and about 3 feet of shoulder with a 500+ foot drop on the other side. Did I mention that there are no guardrails? Literally the shoulder in places has a sharp edge with nothing below.  Ouray is a beautiful Victorian mining town at the end of a valley. We strolled the shops and headed back to Silverton for a pizza at a brewery, one of the few places open. The virus has taken it's toll on small businesses in tourist towns. Another great day ending with Ibuprofen foe Steph. Happy no serious injuries just pride and bruises.

Link for the crash   Mud Puddle Crash
