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Day 21 - Riding, Laundry, & Shopping

Today Nikki and slept in.  Kevin did some adventuring.  Nikki and I played ball, something had to done to wear her energy down so she wouldn't give us her pitiful look as we left her behind for a motorcycle ride.  We stuck to pavement today, short ride of about 50 miles and took the bikes to a carwash. Oh the mud that came off of them.  We searched for a laundromat near our campsite but the park didn't have one, so off to Loa we went to do laundry, grab a bite to eat, and grocery shop.

We are now sitting on a pull out on the road to our camp.  I made the mistake of rolling down my window - hundreds of tiny white bugs were blown in by the wind.  We are going back to the camp and will have our first campfire for the trip. We're going to make s'mores!  This is all pending on if we can stay awake. No photos today, sorry! We leave this campsite tomorrow and we're pretty well packed up to leave. Not sure where we are going next.  Maybe somewhere in CO?

We met 3 very nice "neighbor" campers this evening also.  Two elderly gentlemen with a teenage boy.  One of the gentlemen had the tremors, more than likely Parkinson's Disease.  Watching his tremors struck home, reminding me so much of mom.  But he is out enjoying life while he can!  They showed me their fish they had caught - Kocolene Salmon was one of them that I had never heard of.  Turns out the young boy was a neighbors grandson.  The grandparents were raising him.  He was so polite and nice!

Addendum:  Here are some photos of our first, and probably our only campfire, of this trip.  The Moon Pie is in memory of dad who’s passing was 2 years ago June 18, 2018.  He loved his Moon Pies.  I sure miss him!!
S'more and Moon Pie

Sunlight hitting the Aspens


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