Today started out with an outing on back dirt roads to see
the Mexican Hat up close and personal.
We were hoping to be able to ride down to the San Juan River, but the
descent was very steep with loose sand.
We did get to the back side of the Mexican Hat though.
After that on to the Valley of the Gods! WONDERFUL RIDE!!! The road through the valley was as perfect as
we could ask for for a dirt/sand road.
There was one time when my back wheel got a little squirrely on me in
deep sand. I was to blame because I was
riding in Ray Charles mode (swinging head left and right to catch all the
sights) and didn’t pay attention to my immediate surroundings. It was very deep sand! But I made it and Kevin following made it
through with no problems.
Valley of the Gods is beyond words to describe! I’m so disappointed that my “go pro” camera
was not rolling as we drove through the valley.
I thought I’d turned it on but I did not get one video of the
valley. Kevin did, so hopefully he will
post a video or 2 for you. I’ll have to
look up to see what the little white Chipmunk looking critters were – several
darted in front of us.
I clocked 43 miles of dirt and gravel we rode today. This is the type of riding we were looking
for and finally found it!
After Valley of the God we stopped at a little store to get
a few necessities (White Castle hamburgers for one – for Kevin). Then back to the camper for a little lunch
and then the 3 of us took a nap. Kevin
air lifted Nikki up and she snuggled between the 2 of us.
After our nap we got in the truck and went out
venturing. We went to Goose Neck State
Park to view the San Juan River making several curves through the mountains
(like Horseshoe Bend only several bends versus the one). After that I drove us up a 3.3 mile mountain
road of 10% grade and major hair pin turns.
It was a one lane gravel road up, thankfully we didn’t meet anyone
coming down it. At the top we saw a
couple of cars that had not made it as they were in pieces going down the drop
off of the mountain. We continued on,
but ended up turning around in order to get back down the mountain before it
got too dark. We met a Jeep coming up as
we were going down – good thing it was in a wider section of road! (Kevin jumped out at the top to get a photo
of the twists and turns – he will post it on his blog).
We made it back to camp a little after dark.
Nikki enjoyed our evening adventure too. Or at least we like to think that she did. She is such a good traveler!
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