I made a 7am appointment at the Ford Dealer in Durango to have the brakes I smoked checked out. While they were fixing the rotors and replacing the pads I went looking around the lot. Found a beautiful 2020 F350 almost Identical to Steph's truck. A little longer bed and no sunroof but it had a diesel engine.... on sale for only $66K! Walk away... walk away quickly! No I'm an idiot I went back and looked at it again but resisted. One more major repair or major scare and we will reconsider this option. Came back with fresh brakes and went motorcycle riding up on the Alpine loop. It's amazing how many abandoned mines that are here in the Rockies. We stopped and played around one of the mines near Eureka. Came down the mountain and went exploring a few other small roads north of Silverton. Another fine day.
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